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Monday 14 October 2013

Vampire Nail Art, a question, and a bonus kitty helper

Hi everyone.  I won't say welcome to Monday however.  It's like the biggest reminder that we are the furthest we could possibly be from the weekend.  That was my thought driving to work this morning, yikes!  Right now I'm a little conflicted and I will tell you why.  If you've been following my blog, you'll know that I was tested for food allergies in June.  I cut out gluten, dairy, wheat, rye, eggs, and peanuts.  They told me it would be life changing, I would feel so much better and have so much energy and honestly, I don't.  I mean, to put it in perspective, the hubby and I will go grocery shopping on Saturday, maybe run a few errands, and then I have to come home and take a nap because I'm so tired.  I just don't think it's normal for me, a 26 year old, to be so exhausted.  I sleep eight to nine hours a night and have to drag myself out of bed each morning.  Also, the best thing about all this (sarcasm alert) is that I eat healthy now, as opposed to eating junk food, and I weigh more now than I ever had, even having to buy new clothes.  I called the doctor and they want to run more tests but it's going to be more money.  My question to you is, what would you do?  Just accept the way things are or suck it up, pay the money, and get the tests done?

Update: The other possibility is that I just have too much stress in my life, which all comes from my job.  They just continue to give me too much work, way more than I can handle.  The other option is to join a gym.  My mom suggested it because she thinks it would get rid of some of my stress and help me sleep at night.  I guess that's option 2.

Geez, sorry about that!  Now to the real reason you visited today...the nails!  I wanted to get into some fun Halloween designs so I sat down this weekend and did the candy corns from yesterday, vampire nails, Halloween colored nails, and zombie nails.  They should all be up this week :)  I think today's nails are my favorite of the bunch. 

I started with a base of OPI German-icure by OPI.  I just love this shimmery vampy maroon color!  I then took OPI First Date at the Golden Gate and used the brush from the bottle to create the blood drips and a ruffian on my ring finger.  For the black of the mouth I used Julep Cleopatra and finished off with the teeth using a small nail art brush and OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls. My vampire teeth were inspired by a mani done by MissJenFabulous.

Congratulations if you made it this far and the first paragraph didn't scare you off!  :)  You get bonus pictures of a KITTY!  My light box sits on the floor near the couch and has seen better days.  It's made of cardboard, duct tape, and white poster paper and has been through a move as well.  It's sad but because it is on the floor, the kitties like to investigate when I'm there.  So without further ado, I give you Immie, our four year old tabby.

Entering the lightbox....

In our household we call the following look "burning your brain".  For some reason all of our cats like to look directly into lights.

Take my picture please?

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