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Tuesday 4 February 2014

Twinsie Tuesday: Red Nails for American Heart Month (Heart Disease Awareness)

Hi everyone, welcome to Tuesday.  Sorry for the cryptic introduction yesterday, I was feeling really distraught and wanted to explain why I had such a weird post.  Today we are under a winter storm watch here (again!).  I swear we've gotten more snow this year than the past few years combined.  In the middle of Illinois, we usually don't get too much snow but this year has definitely been the exception.  

Today for Twinsie Tuesday the theme was red nails for American Heart Month.  I had a tough time with this prompt since red is notoriously hard to use for nail art and it's just about my least favorite polish color besides sheers.  Way to stay positive right :)  I ended up doing a simple cloud mani and I was surprised with how much I liked it.  The polishes I used were Essie Limited Addiction, the darkest of the polishes, OPI A Definite Moust-Have, the coral red in the middle, and OPI The Spy Who Loved Me, the shimmery red on the end.

I can't wait to see what these other fantastic ladies come up with.  It seems I'm not the only one who doesn't care for red ;) 

Amanda at Amandalandish

Chelsea at Nailed Blog

Elizabeth at Did My Nails

Kelly at Tuxarina

Marisa at Polish Obsession
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les

Stephanie at A Little Polish

Traci at DrinkCitra

Monday 3 February 2014

Barielle Review: Mint Ice Cream Cone, Banana Drop, and Blue Cotton Candy

*Press Sample
Hi everyone, welcome to Monday.  I don't really have anything to report on a personal level.  Some family things occurred last night sending us in a tailspin, our cats got into a huge fight, and the superbowl was pretty disappointing.  On the bright side, my sister did pass her nursing boards so all the stress of that for her is finally over.  So it's a pretty weird start to the week.  It's going to be a pretty stressful next two weeks at work to get a specific project done and I'll be in the field for a few days at the end of the week.

A while back I was asked to join Barielle's blogger network and I jumped at the chance.  I got to select some polish colors to try and also some nail care items.  I'm going to give the creams and cuticle oil some time to see how they work and what I think of them, so today I'm just showing off these pretty polishes.  This was my first time trying Barielle polishes and I'll let you know what I think of each polish below.

Mint Ice Cream Cone

Let's start with my hands down winner, Mint Ice Cream Cone.  I'll be honest here, I picked this polish because of the name.  I was torn between this one and Green Apple Chew which I have been dying to try since I saw reviews of it, but the name won out for me.  This polish is a pastel yellow-leaning mint green.  When I could eat ice cream, mint was my favorite flavor and this color is exactly like melted mint ice cream.  Here's the kicker....the formula was amazing, especially for a pastel.  The formula wasn't thin, it wasn't streaky, and it applied like a dream.  I used two coats below, with topcoat.  I really did not want to take this polish off.

Banana Drop

Clearly I was thinking food when I picked out these polishes :)  Yellow is my favorite color and I had yet to find a pastel yellow that I liked so I wanted to give this one a go.  Banana Drop is a pastel yellow cream.  While it did require three coats to completely even out, it had a decent formula for a yellow.  I used thin coats, let them dry in between, and had no problems.  I really liked this color, it looked so buttery and creamy on the nail.  It didn't end up streaky or lumpy and bumpy like some yellows do.  Three coats with topcoat below.

Blue Cotton Candy

Haha, another food name!  I really enjoy that actually :)  Blue Cotton Candy is a medium dusty marine blue with silver shimmer.  I liked that the shimmer was just as apparent on the nail as it was in the bottle.  This polish was on a thicker side but it is a true one coater.  I thought the color was really unique and I haven't seen anything quite like it before.  Swatches are one coat with topcoat below.

Overall I am really impressed with my first try with Barielle polishes.  The green is seriously one of my new favorite polishes, the yellow was pretty good as far as yellows go, and I finished off with a one coater.  Obviously my favorite would be Mint Ice Cream Cone.  Which is your favorite?  This polishes can be found on Barielle's website here.

*Products in this post were received for review in exchange for my honest opinion.

Fashion Trend 2014 : Neckles Trend

Trend Aksesoris

hay hay semua :) lama ngga jumpa :D
kali ini, Liana mau bahas trend aksesoris.. yaitu.. Kalung!
bukan trend untuk satu tahun aja, tapi Liana akan bahas trend fashion yang sedikit berbeda
nah, cek this out

kalung adalah salah satu aksesoris yang mampu mempercantik penampilan seorang wanita. Kalung juga dapat memperindah leher atau pakaian yang kita kenakan. berikut adalah beberapa jenis kalung tersebut..

nah, bosen sama bentuk kalung yang gitu-gitu aja? kalung Peace / Dream Catcher mungkin sudah sering kita lihat di 2013, nah kenapa tahun ini kamu para readers ngga coba untuk jadi trend setter sendiri daripada harus ngikutin perkembangan fashion yang belum tentu kamu suka?
nah kalo mau jadi trend setter diantara temen-temen kamu, tapi bingung apa yang harus dipake, ini nih, Liana punya rekomendasinya..

mungkin bentuk dari kalung ini sudah tidak asing lagi ya bagi kita. yap, ini adalah kalung berbentuk menara eiffel. Kalung yang juga sempat menjadi trend di 2013 ini, bisa kamu pakai lagi lho ditahun 2014 sekarang. Kenapa? karena bentuknya yang simple tapi mengena masih akan digemari oleh para fashionista ditahun 2014 ini.

lho? yang ini? yakin yang ini? ini kan gunting? kalau banyak yang bertanya-tanya kenapa Liana nyaranin pakai kalung ini, soalnya, kalau kalian pada mau jadi trend setter, sebaiknya kalian coba sesuatu yang baru dan berbeda. Nggak ada salahnya mencoba kan? :) Kalung ini cocok untuk orang yang suka jadi pusat perhatian, lho. So, if you want to get attention, you can try to wear this neckle. kalau dilihat-lihat, bentuk kalungnya lucu dan manis, bisa dipasangkan dengan dress hitam pendek, atau baju kaos putih dan celana jeans. So, let's try it guys..
oke, next recomendationnya adalah ini. Yup, kalung owl atau burung hantu ini yang Liana saranin. Sempat populer juga ditahun 2013, kali ini kalung ini kembali menunjukann sedikit eksistensinya di 2014. Meskipun hanya sedikit, kalau kalian menggunakannya dengan pakaian dan makeup yang pas, kalung ini akan terlihat luar biasa karena desainya yang manis. Kalian juga bisa jadi trend setter lho, kalau berani membuat trend fashion sendiri dengan hanya modal coba-coba ;)
selanjutnyaaa, ini model kalung butterfly. Kalung ini sempat populer di negara Korea Selatan. Yeah, banyak anak muda disana yang sempat mempopulerkan bentuk kalung ini. Kalung dengan bentuk yang simple dan cantik, memberikan sentuhan manis bagi si pemakai, lho, Kalung ini cocok untuk mini dress, atau kalau mau digunakan untuk kalung casual juga bisa. Celana pendek jeans, dan atasan yang simple bisa menonjolkan bentuk manis kalung ini :)
Allright, the last is mask neckle. Kalung ini berbentuk seperti topeng. Berdesain elegan mampu memberi kesan glamor bagi si pemakai. Kalung ini cocok untuk seseorang yang ingin mencoba sesuatu yang baru. Dipadukan dengan high heels atau wedges, kalung ini mampu memberi kesan glamornya.

oke readers, sekian nih bahasan mengenai trend aksesoris di tahun 2014 dan juga mengenai menjadi trend setter sendiri. Nah, semoga artikel yang Liana buat ini bisa membantu dalam memilih tatanan busana yang pas bagi para readers ya.. Jika ada kesalahan kata-kata atau informasi dalam artikel Liana kali ini, Liana mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya. Terimakasih sudah membaca..
*jika kamu punya saran / pertanyaan, silahkan tinggalkan komentarmu dibawah artikel ini ya, atau bisa meninggalkan pesan di chat box yang ada di sebelah kanan :)