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Friday 25 November 2011

A MASSIVE Collaboration: Let It Snow!

Recently, me and my favourite artist Robin Moses have been chatting about life in the YouTube nail art community. We have noticed, and I'm sure we're not the only ones - that even though there are a lot of awesome artists and lovely YouTube girls and boys putting themselves out there and sharing their art with the world, there is also a lot of bitchiness and hate that goes along with it.

We've all seen the occasional cheats and thieves who will take someone's idea and try to pass it off as their own without giving credit.

We've also read so many comments and discussions where there is a lot of jealousy and accusations. These days on YouTube, if people see a design that's similar to something they've seen before, they will immediately say "YOU COPIED THIS FROM *insert artists name here* " when that is simply not the case. Sometimes we just have the same ideas, especially when there's an event such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas... or even Nyan Cat!

So we decided to make a stand - make a statement, stamp out all the hate and make some love and connections instead!


On Monday 5th December 2011, we are having a "Let It Snow" day. Here's the deal:

If you like to paint art on your nails, or your face, we'd love you to make a video.

Make a nail art tutorial, or a make up tutorial based on the theme "SNOW" - it can be snowflakes, snowmen, evil snow queen makeup, frosty icicle inspired nail tips... let your imagination run wild and be arty as fuck with ice and snow inspired pretty things!

Title your video "LET IT SNOW by [yournamegoeshere]" and upload it to YouTube on Monday the 5th December. And then when you find another Let It Snow video that you like, video response it! And accept any Let it Snow video responses that you may recieve. Basically, we'll all just attach our videos together randomly so we're all holding hands and painting together.


You don't have to be subscribed to anyone, you don't have to Like or follow anyone's page - you just have to paint snow, upload and attach your video with someone :D


We want to show the YouTube artist community that we are NOT in competition with each other - but that we are all friends, we are painting together, learning from each other and inspired to try new things with our art.

If you paint something because you saw someone else paint it - SAY SO!! If your design is inspired by another artist, then that's a REALLY GREAT thing to do. It's beautiful. But say the name of the person who inspired you and give credit to them for the idea. "This design is inspired by *originalartistnamehere* and this is my version, thanks *artist* for the idea" and perhaps post a link to their original video/picture so everyone can check it out.

It's the right thing to do. It makes you look good and respectful and the original artist can be recognised for their awesomeness as well as you!

By joining in on this massive collaboration, we will be showing everyone that we're here to share, support and cheer each other on. No hate is needed - and we stick together instead of bitching and saying "mine's better" or "you're not as good as the other girls".

There are new artists coming to YouTube all the time and they should feel welcome. They should feel excited to join in and be friends. Not scared that they will be accused of being a wannabe or a copycat, or that they'll be compared to others simply because they have less experience or less views/subscribers than some others.

So it doesn't matter if you're a professional with 20 years experience and you can make impossible amazing reallistic looking creations,

Or if you're only 14 years old with five bottles of nail polish and a crappy little paintbrush and absolutely no idea what to do.

If all the above rules and proposals sound good to you, and you want to be a part of this - we will WELCOME you with EPIC love!! Seriously. Come join us with whatever art or skill level you have and we'll let it snow SO hard on December 5th that the YouTube monkeys will have to get their salt machines and snow plows and 4x4 trucks out on the road so people can still drive to work safely.

Loads of artists have already responded and said they're totally going to join us, and we want to make this as MASSIVE as possible.

This is going to be EPIC. And if YOU join us, it will be even more epic. You will be contributing to the glass being even more than half full!

If you have any questions or would like to say something, please don't ask in the comments on this post - cos I can't reply!! Facebook or YouTube message me or Robin. Here are the sexy links:

I hope you can ALL join us. I can't wait to see everyone's Let It Snow art.


Many thanks beautiful people.

Much love and respect to you all in your unique awesomeness. Every single one of you



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